Detoxification/Withdrawal Management Services

Withdrawal Management Services
Quality Behavioral Health’s withdrawal management program provides 24/7 monitoring, nursing services, and a physician to address severe withdrawal issues. The program entails the ordering and administering of medications associated with detoxification and may include medications to manage any co-occurring medical conditions. Medication is stored and administered within this program. QBH is co-occurring capable and staffs a psychiatrist to prescribe and monitor medications. This has been beneficial for clients that have misplaced or forgotten their psychotropic medications. Detox clients are offered psychoeducation to recognize and understand the relationship between their substance use and mental health symptoms. The client’s primary counselor will work to assist the client in identifying mental health symptoms and developing an aftercare plan that includes psychiatric care. Due to the short duration of detox, the counseling staff is limited in possible interventions. Additionally, psychiatric evaluations are not conducted at this level of care, as symptoms and client’s understanding may be altered due to the stress of detoxification.
Counselors are available to provide emotional support and positive feedback, discuss concerns of the clients, and use motivational Interviewing to elicit desire to continue to the next suitable level of care. In detoxification, the primary focus is preparing the client to begin clinical treatment. At the time of intake, the nurse discusses the client’s decision to seek services and attempts to reduce anxiety by answering questions related to the detoxification process. Clients are offered to participate in didactic or therapeutic groups but due to feelings of malaise most clients decline. Clients are required to meet with a counselor at least once every 3 days to discuss plans for additional treatment or any concerns. The main modality used in detoxification is motivational interviewing.
There are several strategies used to increase completion of the detoxification program. To provide a welcoming atmosphere, the intake office is furnished with benches for family members to sit, educational materials, inspirational literature, and bottled water and snacks are offered to each client entering detox. Staff is present 24/7 to discuss clients’ anxieties, fears, or concerns related to treatment.